Tools, guidance and informational documents listed below are used to implement the TMDL Program.

Provides the rationale for the importance for regular and transparent accomplishments reporting and the different approaches between urban and non-urban source categories.

Summarizes the improvements that were evaluated and accomplished through the Stormwater Tools Improvement Project.

Handout from the 8/26/15 meeting summarizing tools and processes and initial implementation timeline for meeting the first 5-year TMDL mileston.

Used by regulators and Urban Implementers to resolve disputes that arise during the Crediting Program process.

Report provides a first estimate of the potential Basin-wide pollutant load reductions at several levels of effort, forming the basis for the development and selection of the Integrated Water Quality Management Strategy (Integrated Strategy) that serves as the recommended strategy for TMDL implementation .

Project report that provided TMDL Agencies technically viable, publicly discussed recommendations that informed the development of the implementation plan for the Lake Tahoe TMDL.

The 2024 Performance Report assesses implementation accomplishments for the previous year and discusses upcoming program direction, challenges, and priority actions.

The 2023 Performance Report assesses implementation accomplishments for the previous year and discusses upcoming program direction, challenges, and priority actions.

The 2022 Performance Report assesses implementation accomplishments for the previous year and discusses upcoming program direction, challenges, and priority actions.

The 2021 Performance Report assesses implementation accomplishments for the previous year and discusses upcoming program direction, challenges, and priority actions.

Describes accomplishments made by Washoe County during Water Year 2019 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by NDOT during Water Year 2019 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by Douglas County during Water Year 2019 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

The 2020 Performance Report assesses implementation accomplishments for the previous year and discusses upcoming program direction, challenges, and priority actions.

Describes accomplishments made by Douglas County during Water Year 2019 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by Washoe County during Water Year 2019 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by the Nevada Department of Transportation during Water Year 2019 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

The 2019 Performance Report assesses implementation accomplishments for the previous year and discusses upcoming program direction, challenges, and priority actions.

Describes accomplishments made by the Nevada Department of Transportation during Water Year 2018 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by Washoe County during Water Year 2018 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by Douglas County during Water Year 2018 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

The 2018 Performance Report highlights the basin-wide accomplishments and challenges of the TMDL Program. The report identifies pollutant loads reduced by each Urban Implementing Partner Jurisdiction and summarizes pollutant load reduction activities undertaken by TMDL Implementers in non-urban source categories.

Summarizes WY2017 TMDL Implementation activities and credits achieved.

Summarizes WY2017 TMDL implementation activities and credits achieved.

Summarizes WY2017 TMDL implementation activities and credits achieved.

The 2017 TMDL Performance Report compiles accomplishment reporting results submitted by TMDL Implementers to the Water Board, NDEP and TRPA. Accomplishments are summarized according to urban and non-urban source categories. Urban stormwater accomplishments as estimated annual average fine sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus load reductions and associated Lake Clarity Credit awards, while non-urban source accomplishments are reported using a set of relevant performance measures that quantify the extent of the activities undertaken to improve water quality.

The 2015 TMDL Performance Report provides a high-level summary of TMDL implementation efforts. The report summarizes the most compelling accomplishment information, provides a brief trend analysis for each TMDL source category and highlights water quality improvement projects of interest.

The 2014 TMDL Performance Report provides a high-level summary of TMDL implementation efforts. The report summarizes the most compelling accomplishment information, provides a brief trend analysis for each TMDL source category and highlights water quality improvement projects of interest.

Describes accomplishments made by Washoe County during Water Year 2023 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by Douglas County during Water Year 2023 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also, projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Describes accomplishments made by Nevada Dept of Transportation during Water Year 2023 relative to Interlocal Agreement obligations. Also projects actions and registrations to achieve future credit targets.

Report documents the estimated baseline (2004) pollutant loading to Lake Tahoe contained in stormwater from Washoe County and NDOT.

Report documents estimated baseline (2004) pollutant loading to Lake Tahoe from Douglas County stormwater.

Contains initial baseline pollutant load estimate and describes initial implementation actions to meet credit targets and milestones contained in Interlocal Agreement to Implement the Lake Tahoe TMDL.

Contains initial baseline pollutant load estimate and describes initial implementation actions to meet credit targets and milestones contained in Interlocal Agreement to Implement the Lake Tahoe TMDL.

Contains initial baseline pollutant load estimate and describes initial implementation actions to meet credit targets and milestones contained in Interlocal Agreement to Implement the Lake Tahoe TMDL.

This document is the report that summarizes the Numeric Target, Pollutant Source Analysis, Load Allocations, Implementation Plan, Adaptive Management Process, and the required Regulatory Analysis for the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (Lake Tahoe TMDL). It is an approximately 350 page, 15 chapter document. This Final EPA approved version for Nevada has been revised from the California adopted version for which EPA approval was gained the same day. The revisions were necessary to correct errors, clarify Nevada’s regulatory structure and approach to implementation and emphasize that the proposed implementation timelines may need to be adjusted for a variety of reasons, but particularly the availability of future funding. The errata sheet indicates all the differences between these versions.

This document is the report that summarizes the Numeric Target, Pollutant Source Analysis, Load Allocations, Implementation Plan, Adaptive Management Process, and the required Regulatory Analysis for the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (Lake Tahoe TMDL). It is an approximately 350 page, 15 chapter document.

This report focuses on the evaluation of pollutant source loading to Lake Tahoe, the lake's pollutant load capacity, and the pollutant load reduction needed to occur to restore historic clarity Lake Tahoe.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Provides an overview of the LT Info Stormwater Tools web application, the comprehensive pollutant load reduction accounting system of the Lake Clarity Crediting Program (LCCP). Serves as a companion document to the LCCP Handbook V2.2, providing users instruction and guidance necessary to carry out the crediting process.

The primary document describing how to use PLRM v2.1. Updated in March 2021 to provide guidance for selecting characteristic effluent concentrations from a range. Revisions are shown as track-changes.

LCCP Handbook version 2.2 incorporates policy updates that have occurred since the release of Handbook version 2.1 and reflects and references the technical upgrades that have occurred as a result of new online public reporting and accountability and LCCP-specific data management platforms. The document is draft for stakeholder review and comment.

LCCP Handbook version 2.2 incorporates policy updates that have occurred since the release of Handbook version 2.1 and reflects and references the technical upgrades that have occurred as a result of new online public reporting and accountability and LCCP-specific data management platforms. The document is draft for stakeholder review and comment.

The primary document describing how to use the PLRM. Updated to provide guidance for selecting characteristic effluent concentrations from a range. Revisions are shown as track-changes.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

LCCP Handbook version 2.2 incorporates policy updates that have occurred since the release of Handbook version 2.1 and reflects and references the technical upgrades that have occurred as a result of new online public reporting and accountability and LCCP-specific data management platforms. The document is draft for stakeholder review and comment.

The purpose of the Dispute Resolution Record (DRR) is to clarify communication and increase efficiency when issues arise that cannot be resolved through informal communication.

The primary document describing how to use the PLRM. Updated to provide guidance for selecting characteristic effluent concentrations from a range. Revisions are shown as track-changes.

Form used to clarify communication and increase efficiency when issues arise that cannot be resolved through informal communication.

Field data sheet used to record observations during the road inspection process.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Documents outcomes from the annual Program Review Meeting held to review TMDL Program progress and to consult with executive management on programmatic challenges, proposed adjustments described in the Findings & Recommendations Memo, and upcoming program priorities and direction.

A simple, repeatable, precise and objective field observation protocol to assess road condition. Accepted as an alternative to Road RAM in 2018, Highway RAM is performed in the highway road shoulder, thereby improving user safety and reducing time and costs to collect measurements.

Establishes and provides guidance related to the annual process Urban Implementers perform to 1) consistently estimate expected load reductions, 2) register or document the pollutant controls and conditions that are expected to result in the estimated load reductions, 3) inspect on-the-ground conditions to verify the conditions used to estimate load reductions are being maintained, and 4) declare the credits to demonstrate compliance with permits and agreements. Version 2.1 corrects typographical and grammatical errors from Version 2.0.

This technical manual presents recommended steps to develop the necessary inputs to register pollutant controls within the Crediting Accounting Platform (CAP).

User guide describing protocols to inventory and determine the condition of treatment BMPs. Updated August 2015.

The Miles of Roads Decommissioned or Retrofitted TMDL Performance Measure tracks the miles of paved and unpaved roads in the forest uplands that are decommissioned or retrofitted to reduce stormwater pollution. Updated 12/10/15.

User guide specifying protocols to inventory and classify roads, select road segments and conduct field observations. Updated June 2015.

Background information describing how the model works and the rationale for, and science and algorithms behind, model development. October 2009.

Detailed user guidance to assist the use of the PLRM2.1. May 2015.

Quick start user guidance to assist Urban Implementer use of the PLRM2.1. February 2015.

Describes the adaptive management system implemented by the Lahontan Water Board and NDEP to guide successful implementation of the Lake Tahoe TMDL Program.

The Miles of Roads Inspected and Maintained TMDL PM tracks the miles of permanent paved and unpaved forest roads that are inspected and/or maintained to reduce stormwater pollution from the Forested Uplands each year.

The Miles of Roads Created TMDL PM tracks the miles of permanent paved and unpaved roads, that are created in the Forested Uplands each year.

The Acres of Disturbed Area Restored, Enhanced or Created TMDL PM tracks the total acres of land in the Forested Uplands with compacted soil, disturbed vegetation and/or impacted hydrology that is restored, enhanced or created each year.

The Parcels with Stormwater Retrofits TMDL PM tracks the number of developed parcels on property belonging to large, public landowners in the Forested Uplands that are retrofitted with best management practices (BMPs) that emphasize removal of fine sediment particles and nutrients.

The Linear Feet of Stream Channel Restored or Enhanced TMDL PM tracks the linear feet of stream channel restoration and enhancement projects implemented to reduce stream channel erosion and contributions of pollutants from within the stream channel on Tahoe Basin streams each year.

Background information describing how the Road RAM tool works and the rationale for, and science behind, tool development. November 2010.

Background information describing how the BMP RAM tool works and the rationale for tool development choices. September 2009.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings, and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings, and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings, and stakeholder input received, and describes program adjustment recommendation to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings, and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings, and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Documents outcomes from the annual Program Review Meeting held to review TMDL Program progress and to consult with executive management on programmatic challenges, proposed adjustments described in the Findings & Recommendations Memo, and upcoming program priorities and direction.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings, and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Assesses TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input received and describes program adjustment recommendations to improve operational efficiency and program effectiveness.

Documents outcomes from the annual Program Review Meeting held to review TMDL Program progress and to consult with executive management on programmatic challenges, proposed adjustments described in the Findings & Recommendations Memo, and upcoming program priorities and direction.

Describes priority objectives and actions for the current year and provides consistency in messaging and communications with stakeholders.

Provides direction to prioritize TMDL program management activities and provide consistent communication messaging.

This report documents outcomes from a process to develop solutions to Lake Clarity Crediting Program (LCCP) road condition policy as identified in the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 2017 Findings and Recommendations Memo. A series of three meetings involving a focus group of Urban Implementers and the Lahontan Water Board and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection TMDL Program Managers were held over the summer of 2018. The forum served to vet potential policy options with the goal of achieving broad support for a proposed solution to each concern.

Considers and evaluates TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input received.

Provides direction for the prioritization of TMDL Program Manager's activities and the consistency of communications with and messaging to stakeholders.

Documents outcomes from the Program Review Meeting including executive decisions regarding shifts in program priorities and direction.

Provides direction for the prioritization of TMDL Program Manager's activities and the consistency of communications with and messaging to stakeholders.

The 2016 Findings & Recommendations Memo considers and evaluates TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input received.

Documents outcomes from the Program Review Meeting including executive decisions regarding shifts in program priorities and direction.

The 2015 Synthesis of Findings & Program Adjustment Recommendations Memo (Findings & Recommendations Memo) considers and evaluates TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input.

Describes TMDL Program objectives and priorities for the current year.

Documents outcomes from the Program Review Meeting including executive decisions regarding shifts in program priorities and direction.

Transparently documents program adjustment decisions made by TMDL Executives at the 2014 Program Review Meeting.

Provides direction for the prioritization of TMDL Program Manager's activities and the consistency of communications with and messaging to stakeholders.

The 2014 Synthesis of Findings & Program Adjustment Recommendations Memo considers and evaluates TMDL Program operations, achievements, challenges, new relevant scientific findings and stakeholder input. The 2014 Memo includes new findings and addresses comments provided by stakeholders in review of the 2010-2013 Memo.

The Synthesis of Findings and Program Adjustment Recommendations Memo is released each summer by TMDL Program Managers. It provides an overview of new, important and relevant scientific and technical information and findings that may support or are informing potential adjustments to the TMDL Program or related policies. The document also contains a set of actionable recommendations proposed by TMDL Program Managers to adjust the TMDL Program, including its management strategies or its guiding policies.

Developed through the Stormwater Tools Improvement Project, the Stormwater Tools Prioritized Action Plan and improvements Descriptions identifies and describes a list of stormwater tool improvement recommendations

The List of Information Needs is a tool to help 1) communicate and track research and applied science needs, 2) track and respond to stakeholder feedback in an organized and transparent manner and communicate TMDL Program Manager identified priority needs to stakeholders. The List of Information Needs is populated by TMDL Program Managers who add stakeholder feedback to the list throughout the year. TMDL Program Managers refer to the list to draft the annual Synthesis of Findings & Program Adjustment Recommendation Memo.

The Program Adjustments List contains recommended adjustments to operational protocols or technical tools related to TMDL implementation. TMDL Program Managers use the list to track, organize, prioritize and make recommendations for program adjustments. The Program Adjustments List is populated by TMDL Program Managers who add stakeholder feedback to the list throughout the year. TMDL Program Managers reference the list when drafting the Synthesis of Findings & Program Adjustment Recommendation Memo.

Provides direction for the prioritization of TMDL Program Manager's activities and the consistency of communications with and messaging to stakeholders.

The Tahoe Science Advisory Council (TSAC) data synthesis and analysis (DSA) process was established to provide independent and collaborative scientific analysis and assessment of the clarity of Lake Tahoe and the factors affecting it. Due to funding shortfalls, this year 2023, TSAC assembled this brief memo.

The overall goal of this project was to assess and inform stormwater management about changing conditions expected for urban hydrology in the Tahoe Basin, based on climate change projections, and to identify new treatment BMP options with enhanced pollutant removal performance potential applicable to cold weather environments.

We may thus conclude that large-scale fires can have a significant impact on monthly and perhaps even annual primary productivity through their effects on atmospheric deposition, independent of any runoff effects. W e also should remain alert to the effects of more numerous smaller fires that might not have such a dramatic visible effect on the atmosphere but, nonetheless, contribute to variability in annual production or seasonal patterns. Oligotrophic lakes in dose proximity to dry forested or brush areas presumably are the most susceptible to the influence of fires. Perhaps the extensive fires that are engulfing millions of hectares this summer in central Manitoba and adjacent provinces will enable us to further our understanding of this tragic yet commonplace phenomenon.

Summarizes stormwater monitoring data collected through WY2020 to fulfill monitoring obligations contained in CA permits and NV interlocal agreements.

Summarizes stormwater monitoring data collected through WY2019 to fulfill monitoring obligations contained in CA permits and NV interlocal agreements.

Summarizes stormwater monitoring data collected through WY2018 to fulfill monitoring obligations contained in CA permits and NV interlocal agreements.

Summarizes stormwater monitoring data collected through WY2017 to fulfill monitoring obligations contained in CA permits and NV interlocal agreements.

The project compiled and analyzed stormwater treatment BMP performance and effluent quality data from the Lake Tahoe Basin and other areas with similar characteristics. The project added nearly a decade of data to the PLRM treatment database, significantly improving treatment BMP performance estimates, particularly with respect to fine sediment particle concentrations.

Summarizes stormwater monitoring data collected for the 2014 through 2016 water years to fulfill monitoring obligations contained in CA permits and NV interlocal agreements.

Field data sheet on which to record field observations of road conditions assessments.

The project was undertaken to develop standardized guidance for Tahoe jurisdictions to document and test the effectiveness of specific road operations and maintenance (RO&M) practices that could be implemented to achieve credit awards through the Lake Clarity Crediting Program. The effort involved extensive and continued cooperation and collaboration with jurisdictional stormwater managers and road maintenance personnel, regulators, and field personnel conducting Road RAM observations. The specific objectives of the study were to: 1. improve our understanding of the factors influencing road condition; 2. inform jurisdictions as to expected road condition scores from the implementation of a suite of RO&M practices; 3. improve communication and coordination within and between jurisdictions; and 4. develop a simple and repeatable methodology for consistent future RO&M practices effectiveness testing.

Road operations and maintenance (RO&M) practices effectiveness testing allows jurisdictions to execute defined road practices on a subset of designated roads and measure road condition. The outlined experimental design for RO&M practices effectiveness testing provides a process for jurisdictions to experiment with alternative road practices on a subset of roads and measure the annual Road RAM scores, informing the expected Road RAM score input to PLRM. There are a number of considerations provided and it is recommended the jurisdiction apply these concepts to their RO&M practices effectiveness testing efforts. Carrying out the steps recommended on a representative road network will provide an expected annual road condition score to inform PLRM inputs and an estimated $/center mile/year to implement the defined road maintenance practices.