While stream channel erosion contributes a minor amount of pollutants relative to other source categories, channel restoration represents the most cost-effective actions that can be taken to reduce pollutant loads. Stream channel restoration and enhancement reduces pollutant inputs from eroding banks and beds and helps reconnect disturbed channels to the floodplain, allowing the system to serve as a natural filter for pollutants. The TMDL implementation plan relies on restoration and enhancement of the Upper Truckee River, Blackwood Creek and Ward Creek, which collectively contribute 96 percent of the FSP loading from the source category. Since research indicates that restoring floodplain connectivity and geomorphic function in all riverine systems provides meaningful FSP load reductions, channel restoration activities in all watersheds are reported.
Tracks the length of stream channel that is restored or enhanced by Lake Clarity projects to regain natural or historic function and support species that rely on that habitat. Actions include stream channel reconstruction, creation or improvement of riparian corridor buffers and road crossing improvements. This TMDL PM is a subset of and reported through the EIP PM linear feet of stream channel restored or enhanced.
Lake Clarity projects